We all know the pain of betray of trust. We all have come into contact with a person who put on an incredibly duplicitous performance. Unfortunately, when this happens, we can't just deduce, "the fact is I can't trust anybody fully." We need to be able to trust, and there is something you should know about why betrayal breaks up relationships, marriages, partnerships, friendships, and etc.
When God has a call over your life, that means you have a specific destiny. God has appointed each of us to do certain things. I noticed that I had a "gift" or a "calling" for certain actions, because things that people described as being very difficult, were not complicated or hard for me at all. You have the capacity within you to champion this arena, make world changes around it.
Now, this "calling" is within us. Maybe it's not even "revealed" to you, at all. It's veiled, like the mysteries of the actions of God... But consider this metaphor. The power of makeup and properly grooming ourself can make us appear to be incredibly beautiful. But, when we wake up in the morning, we don't look like that at all. Within us, we clearly know that we have the power to be beautiful, and we don't feel that we need to always acheive it. It's inside of us, it's our power, and it won't leave.
However, relationships are different. Unfortuantely, people will see your beauty, but realize that they have caught you in the place where it's not fully acheived yet. But others know, they have access to you at your non-acheived level, and they could never have access to you once you become fully acheived. So, they use you for a time. If your destiny is greater than them or goes beyond them, often times they will betray you as a way to fill their self-worth or value. These are unequal partnerships. It doesn't matter how sweet or kind a person is, and unfortunately, they usually are at the beginning. People are very sweet due to the fact that they know they can benefit from you, and they aren't honest.
It hurts to experience people rejecting you because of your high value, and because they enjoy using it for a time. What sets you apart now feels like a painful burden. This is why, it's so important to find relationships with people who are in equal stature to you, or who are "equally yoked."
"Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?" 2 Corinthians 6:14
As In this context, "yoked" refers to the ancient practice of linking two animals together to plow a field, so being "unequally yoked" implies that having different strengths of beliefs, principles, values, and life callings, can create a painful and unproductive partnership. We've all been in this type of partnership. This quote goes so much further than values and beliefs. It even refers to how deeply one is on a path of faith, compared to another. Perhaps someone believes when it benefits them, but doesn't feel very strongly about adjusting their behavior or reforming their life. Let's compare this to the person who is in deep need of God. They will never be uplifted or cherished by the person who doesn't need faith as badly. In my experience, being with family or friends who differ in the heart space, is like trying to be uplifted by a rock. The atheist philosophy is much more dense, and these relationships are "unequally yoked." They're unproductive, and isolating. Like the quote says, "what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? What fellowship has light with darkness?"
The answer is.... none! Lightness and darkness aren't even in a battle, lightness already defeated darkness. So there is just simply zero connection between the two! We all have experienced relationships where the quality of our faith, and the needs of our heart are absolutely not being met. I do not believe that this quote is meant to scare and intimidate people into making certain relationship choices. It's also not meant to And, I don't believe that immeadiate evil will befall your life by being with people that have unequal faith to yours. No, it's more subtle. Gradually you begin to feel more and more isolated, when you spend time with people you have no fellowship with. How does the enemy get to us? In that feeling of isolation, and depression, or negative feelings increase and our faith evaporates. These people zap our energy and the worst; they make us feel alone when we are with others!!!
But in marriages, or partnerships, the devistation becomes complete, much more quickly. A person who's heart has no remorse, or concern for their partner, moves into temptation and betrayal as soon as the first difficulty arises, with no qualms. There's zero connection between light and darkness. And this is how unequally yoked spouses will treat each other. With absolutely zero remorse, they will betray you or leave you behind. Because there is zero connection or concern there. There isn't even enough concern to care about you at all. That is an extremely important take away.
My dedication to you is that you begin to find community, friends, and support from people who have equal faith to yours. I hope that you begin to rely on people with equal faith, so you can release the burden of constantly lifting others who won't move, especially in the heart! In relationships and partnerships, I truly hope that you do not link with someone who is unequally yoked. I hope you find a partner who is truly, equally yoked as you, and brings lots of faith and joy into your heart. God loves a late bloomer, one who has endured struggles with streadfast endurance. "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."